Interfraternity council Programs and Opportunities
Being a part of a fraternity at the University of Kansas has many benefits and can open many doors for your life beyond college. As a governing board, the Interfraternity Council seeks to highlight opportunities for our members and offer several programs to add to your college experience. Going to the University of Kansas may only be about 4 or so years, but the lessons you learn and the people you meet will change the course of your life. The more engaged you are, the more rewarded you will be for your time, so we implore you to seek out fraternity life. It is often marked as the first step on the path to success.
IFC Scholar of the Month
Scholarship is one of the four core values of Fraternity Life at KU. If you or someone you know has excelled scholastically please nominate them for IFC Scholar of the Month. Prizes may include gift-cards. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. The submission form can be found here.
Alumni Spotlight
IFC celebrates our alumni and their success stories in the world. We highlight the chapter and the alumni on our instagram. To submit an alumni, fill out the form here.
Sorority/Fraternity Life (SFL) Advance
SFL Advance is an annual retreat for incoming chapter presidents and IFC, NPHC, MGC, and PHA council officers. The retreat focuses on leadership skill development, community building, relationship building, and providing new presidents and officers with resources they will need to be successful in their positions. SFL Advance curriculum is developed by the Sorority & Fraternity Life staff and is evaluated each year.
SFL Awards
Fraternities and sororities provide students the opportunity to become part of a group which share common values and promotes leadership development, scholastic excellence, community service, and lifelong friendships. While each organization is unique, these Four Pillars provide a common purpose for fraternities and sororities at the University of Kansas. The goal of this awards program is to recognize organizations and individuals that live these values. The categories that men involved in fraternity life are eligible for are:
Outstanding SFL New Member/Neophyte Award
Outstanding SFL Leader Award
Outstanding Council Leader Award
David A. Ambler Outstanding Campus Leader Award
Outstanding SFL Senior Award
For more information please click here.
Order of Omega
Order of Omega is a national Greek honor society that recognizes the top 3% of Greek members across the nation in regard to academic excellence, community service and chapter and Greek community leadership.
Eta Epsilon chapter at the University of Kansas was founded in 1986. Since the chapter’s founding, more than 700 members have been initiated. Each year the chapter participates in a community service project and honors outstanding faculty and staff as honorary initiates.
Applications for membership are available in the fall semester. Applicants must have at least 60 credit hours and a 3.0 cumulative grade point average. Dues are determined by the board and include national fees, pin, certificate, t-shirt and initiation fees. Selected members are recognized at the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Council Awards Night in the spring.
Intramurals is a great way for students to continue their involvement with athletics on a fun and casual level. The intramural sports offered are in a wide variety from flag football, soccer, tennis, volleyball, basketball and so on. Every chapter is encouraged to form teams regardless of experience. Intramural games are another way fraternity men can have fun and stay active! For more information click here.
Homecoming is an ongoing KU Tradition since 1912. Throughout Homecoming week, fraternities and sororities come together to participate in a variety of fun activities. Leaders of the Homecoming Committee will meet throughout the spring semester to select a theme and finalize the schedule of activities, which will include competitions for student organizations, community service activities, various reunions, the Homecoming parade and pep rally, and the selection of 10 student finalists for the Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership (Ex.C.E.L.) Awards. Many fraternity members have been selected as finalists for this prestigious award.
Rock Chalk Revue
Rock Chalk Revue is a university-wide philanthropy that raises approximately $50,000 each year for the Ballard Center. Fraternities, sororities, along with other living organizations, team up to write, produce, and perform 20-minute original musicals, complete with costumes and scenery. The five best shows are chosen to be presented in the Rock Chalk Revue. Awards are presented on the final evening of Rock Chalk to the chapters or organizations that have contributed the most community service hours. Visit the website for more information.
Philanthropy and Community Service
Another one of the four pillars of Sorority/Fraternity Life is service. This comes in the form of community involvement to being active with different philanthropic causes. Some of the most trafficked service based organizations that you might find are The Center for Community Outreach and The Big Event. Both are organizations that place students into the Lawrence community and engage them in local residential service ranging from raking leaves to reading books to children. Some of the more engaged philanthropic based causes on campus are Camp Kesum, Natural Ties, and Relay For Life. Each organization hosts a variety of events supporting their respective causes, and in addition to this each SFL organization is required to host a philanthropic event and meet a certain number of service hours.
Student Involvement and Leadership
Regardless of where you start on campus there are many opportunities waiting for you. Being in a fraternity is just one of them, but being active on campus is something that sets fraternity men apart. You will find that most fraternity men at KU are involved in at least one other student organization and the majority of those members hold leadership positions. The Student Involvement and Leadership Center has registered over 600 different student led organizations that cover a wide variety of topics, programs, and ideas. It's easy to get involved and make a name for yourself, and being in a fraternity can help you find what you're looking for. Check out to get started!